Thursday 1 November 2012

Forsaken? NOT A CHANCE :)


So its officially 3 days before the start of my first paper, and boy, it is nerve wrecking!
So much to do within so little time. I just need the ultimate help :/
But having said that, I want to thank God for helping experience grace so free this 3 weeks of preparation. God is REALLY with me, I can sense and I want to choose to believe He is there for me!

Well, and so i was reading my materials one day and i came across this title of,
"Who is the Holy Spirit?"- I mean like I thought I knew, She was just a spirit of God. And yeah, thats about it. But after reading the material I came to realize many things about her that makes me want to acknowledge her as a friend, just like God planned it to.

John 15:12-16
'I have much more to say to you, more than you can bear. But when he, The Spirit of truth, come, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. All hat belongs to the Father is mine, That is why the Spirit will receive  from me what he will make known to you'

So Holy Spirit turns out to be friend of ours, Sent by our Daddy God to keep us company and guide our ways as we walk this journey on Earth. That's why we are never alone! because we have God, Jesus and the Holy spirit with us! I think what is most amazing is that living in this world is really a chore, but when we come to think about the things we can accomplish for God, its amazing  how the vision turns out to be. Well, I am starting to recognize that He can really show anybody things He want to. I just enjoy knowing He is there and all. really brings me comfort in time of stress like now.
So I just want to say THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT!!! =) its like you have always been there for me, no matter how far I stray or how close I am. You are there. Sorry if I have hurt you in many ways unthinkable. But I promise, I will try my best to never do it again! Thank you for always guiding me in prayers and helping me in all ways possible, especially calming my nerves for now! Really thank  you! I just pray as the days past, we will grow close day by day and you can tell me more about Jesus and God and we can have little chats about what is happening in my life. Thank you that i can tell you everything so i have nothing to hide! I really love you as a friend and Thank God for you! Kudos to you!!

So throughout this week, i have been really really panicky about stuffs because i thought i would never be able to make it. so negativism starts to devour me. But then i talked to Asher! and told him,
"What if you reap what you sow, because i didn't study much, so i won't reap anything wouldn't I?"-THIS BY THE WAY MAKES PERFECT SENSE TO ME.

HOWEVER, Asher then said, "But you can think o fit this way, We sow seeds of sins EVERYDAY, so shouldn't we reap fruits of destruction and failure only??" Well then i would have been cursed and dead by now. *Pssssh
So what I am trying to say is, God's grace is so bountiful that even when you committed the worst of sins, when you repent, you can always turn back to Him with no qualms. How Amazing is our God huh. His grace is really more than enough, so i should just do my best and really really, leave it to God. Thank you for being there and giving me endless hope in Christ :)

So my prayer for this week is that I will fully trust in you that all will go well, because i have God and God only with me :)  Help me to lean again on you ad know that you are there!! JIAYOUUUUUU

'Though evil may surround us,
We need not fear defeat;
For when God fights the battle,
Our enemies retreat'

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