Saturday 3 November 2012

Letters of Recommendation for Jesus

YOLO. It's a Sunday morning and here I am once again! Nerve wrecking 24 hours to the start of my very first A level paper! OOOOOOOOOOOOO freaking out here. But let's put that aside for a while and turn our eyes upon Jesus.

"Six-Word Testimony"
So this is what the daily bread is talking about today! Thinking that we have constantly portray an image of Christ-likeness so others can see Him through us. Personally, I feel I haven;t been able to entirely do that. But that is my goal! And I believe if I choose to do so, God will use my to show His love to others.

'If you had six words to represent what Christ has done for you and what you can do for others, what would I say?' Hmmm, I'll say,
2 Corinthians 5:7
Why? Because well, I feel that the sight has done us a lot of injustice regarding our actions and feelings towards what we see here and do around us. Well, firstly, sight has brought me to do the worst mistake in my life which caused me so much hurt and pain, yet by faith,, God healed me. Secondly, seeing Jacey in this state makes me angsty, but by faith, yet again, I choose to believe we have to love our sisters and not cause them to stumble in their tracks towards God. SO if we choose to really forgo our earthly influence and then towards God's will for us, I believe life will be a much better place because God is with us and in us! 
"Therefore we do not lose heart.
Though  outwardly we are wasting away,
yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day
So fix our eyes on not what is seen,
but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary,
but what is unseen is eternal."
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
So let us be nothing but only righteous and truthful towards God :) only then we will experience the eternal He has already reserved for us, if only we choose to live and yearn Him like never before! Let's all be LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION for our Jesus today! =)

So back to my frantic mood, TOMORROW IS THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!
NERVOUS MAX> But well, after talking to God, I feel more reassured :)
In a way i keep thinking others may not have done as much, I confess. Sorry God :(
But it's also not a time to think I am dumb and there's no hope. WELL NOOOOOO, In God, All Christians ALWAYS find endless hope yes? I always wished this time round would just be a miracle for me but I think if only fix my eyes on the prize i will never get to enjoy the journey spent! Especially when God has been present at all times through these times i am alone. But forever with God :) Thank you God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for always being there for me! i appreciate your help very much and i look forward to spending more time with you throughout the month and week and i pray that every time i panic or feel awkward i will know that i am prepared, not going to let it stumble me and know that you are my rock of foundation and as long as i turn my eyes and focus towards you, NOTHING SHOULD BRING ME DOWN :)
I love you Jesus!!!!!! Forgive me of my sins and i pray you will be with me and help me have a clear mind to do the paper and write correct answers as  much as possible :)

'Only God's ways is the Right way to go~'

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